Sosiale Medie ideer for Dansere
Om du er danser, artist eller skuepiller er det lurt å poste noe litt mer spennende på Sosiale Medier enn de vanlige øvingsklippene dine. Her er noen gode ideer til innhold som krydder opp dine some-profiler og gir der flere views!
Tekst versjon:
Let’s first look into
Here are a few titles that you can create your own content on. Some of these titles works for video content on youtube or vlogs, others can be made as a fun short reel or TikTok.
- One day in a dancers life- What’s in my training bag
- How I started dancing
- My biggest achievements in dance
- My biggest inspiration
- Things only dancers do
- Redoing my old choreography
- Things every dancer need- Sneakpeak on a dancers phone - Dance styles I do
- Outfit standing vs outfit dancing- Trying a new dancestyle
- Me dancing as a kid vs now
- How a dancer would do it (a normal situation)
- Healthy food for an active day
- How I motivate myself
- What keeps you creative?
- What are the challenges being a dancer?
- Moves you never manage to learn, but wish you could!
- Things you should never do in a dance class
- Weird things I have seen as a teacher
- Weird things I have seen as a performer
- Preparing hair for dance
- Makeup tips for performing or training
- Compare brands in training or dance clothes
- Photoshoot ideas for dancers
- Beginners guide to start dancing
- Dance to a cover song, and then its original.
- Dress like a dancer (funny, or real)
If you want to engage your audience even more, try to make them challenge you by send you their choice and you respons with a video.
Challenges could be:
- Dance to this music/song
- Dance this style
- Dance inspired by this culture
- Dance inspired by this animal- Dance in this outfit- Dance inspired by a time/era
Or a fun one; Make someone send a video of their baby or animal, and you make a dance based on their moves.
If you would like to make a longer video or series, maybe a documentary kind of video. Where people follow you from the start to the result. Some ideas could be:
Longer series:
- My journey to get a job at special place
- Learning a new dance style
- Finally going into a battle - training, nerves and result
- How many jobs can I land in 3 months?
- Getting a new teaching job
- Trying new work out program
- Dance travel - exploring new dance cultures
For more dance related videos, you can also do some tricks to spice it up.1 Rehearsals Make rehearsal videos more interesting by showing a “Training vs reality”Make your followers see the life behind the hard work. If you are training for a show, make a video that shows in progress and the final product. 2 Work in progressPeople love to see a progress, and even more so; your personality. Training on a new trick or move? Show the progress and make some humour out of it. People love it!3. Teaching techniquesIf you are a teacher. Show a small clip from a class where you explain to your students how to understand a move. The wierder or more interesting your explanaition is, more interest will be awaken in your viewers.
4. Blooper video
Everyone today looks perfect in their videos. Why not show a blooper video when you made mistakes? Maybe you have a collage of your weirdest dance faces from performing or training.5 Students portraitSpesially for dance studios. Make a video or a series of your students talking about dance, your classes or their experience. It’s cute and can make a great community connected to your studio or classes! Maybe making a “Student of the week” series?
So, these are some of many cool topics for you to make a video, TikTok, reel or blog post about. If you want to know how to get even better results in your carriere I highly recommend for you to join my online program to kickstart your career.
Do you have any other cool ideas? Well leave a comment. And if you do make any of these ideas I mentioned, please leave a comment with a link so I can see you result! Thank you for watching and remember to follow me for more content for professionals.