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Welcome to this blog! Irlin is a international dancer based in Oslo She is also a Norwegian Podcast host and influencer who also coach performers in career management and women in feminine energy. Irlin have more than 70.000 followers in social media and over 7 million views on her videos.

In private she is a life lover who values humor, socializing, traveling, learning, history and culture. Her blog and social media content is a combination of all.

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Live 100% of dance?


Want to quit your job and only work as a dancer or artist? This 3 month program will help you gain more followers, jobs and kickstart your career!

Become a Godess?

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Want to grow your self confidence and live a more soft and sexy life? This online program helps you to get in touch with your feminine side and gain your superpowers as a woman! Become a femme fatale! 



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خطة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لمدة شهرين

إذا كنت راقصًا تريد إثارة المزيد من الضجة حول نفسك، فهناك عدد من الأشياء التي يمكنك القيام بها لإنشاء نسبة مشاهدة أعلى وبالتالي المزيد من المتابعين والوظائف.

فيما يلي خطة مفصلة مدتها شهرين لبناء صورة إيجابية ومبهجة ومبهجة على Instagram وYouTube وTikTok، مع التركيز على زيادة المتابعين وجذب الانتباه داخل وخارج وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. تم تصميم الخطة لاستخدام التقنيات الأكثر فعالية التي أثبتت فعاليتها في زيادة المشاركة والرؤية، بناءً على ما يعمل في الخوارزميات والاتجاهات الحالية.

Also check out this video for more content ideas.


1. زيادة المتابعين على Instagram وYouTube وTikTok.

2. بناء علاقة شخصية وإيجابية مع المتابعين.

3. نشر الفرح والتحفيز والطاقة الإيجابية.

4. اجذب انتباه جمهور أوسع، داخل وخارج وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.

الحيل والخطافات لزيادة الانتباه:

• استخدم الموسيقى والأصوات الشائعة: تعد الموسيقى والأصوات الموجودة على TikTok وInstagram Reels صديقة للخوارزميات ويمكن أن تجعل المحتوى الخاص بك أكثر وضوحًا.

• علامات التصنيف: استخدم علامات التصنيف ذات الصلة والشائعة، مثل #DanceChallenge، و#PositiveVibes، و#MotivationMonday، و#TikTokDance.

• التفاعل مع المتابعين: اطرح أسئلة في منشوراتك، وشجع على المشاركة، وقم بالرد على التعليقات لبناء علاقة.

• البث المباشر: غالبًا ما تحظى مقاطع الفيديو المباشرة على كل من TikTok وInstagram برؤية أعلى وتجذب المتابعين بشكل مباشر.

• المحتوى الذي ينشئه المستخدمون: شجع المتابعين على إنشاء محتوى يتعلق بك، مثل تجربة رقصاتك أو الإجابة على التحديات.

خطة المحتوى لمدة شهرين

وصف أفكار محتوى المنصة الأسبوعية ونصائح ربط للحصول على أفضل النتائج



Descibtion and Hooks:



Introduction Video “Get to Know Me!” - Share a video introducing yourself and what your followers can expect. Showcase your energetic and positive personality.



Behind the Scenes Show your followers how you prepare for a dance experience, from training to planning. Hook: “Want to see how I prepare to spread joy? Come behind the scenes!” Make sure to make your video personal and authentic. Share both the fun and challenging moments.



Positive quote + dance. Combine an inspiring quote with a dance video that shows positive energy. Hook: “Remember, every day is a new opportunity to spread joy – see how I start mine!” Use a bright and inspiring background that reflects the energy..


Tik Tok

TikTok Dance Trend Remix Take part in a popular TikTok dance trend, but with a personal twist. Hook: “What happens when I put my own spin on this trend? Watch here!” Use music and trends that are trending for increased visibility.



Questions and answers (Q&A) Ask your followers questions, like “What’s your favorite dance?” or “What makes you smile?” and answer them in a video. Hook: “Who’s ready to share some positive energy? Ask me questions!” Use an Instagram Story to collect questions. Engage with people in the comments.



Dancers life Create a video that combines dance with tips for staying energized and positive throughout the day. Hook: “How do you keep your energy up all day long? Here are my tips for feeling amazing!” Also share personal experiences, like how dancing has affected your energy levels.



TikTok Live - Q&A Host a live broadcast where you answer questions about dance, motivation, and personal development. Hook: “Ready to chat with me? Join the live Q&A!” Engage your followers in real time and get more people to participate by advertising in advance.



Collaboration Collaborate with another influencer or dancer to create a video together. Hook: “What happens when two energetic people meet? Look what we have planned!” Choose collaborators who have a positive image and a relevant target audience.



Dance Tutorial Create a tutorial where you teach a simple, popular choreography. Hook: “Ready to learn a new dance? Join us for this simple choreography!” Keep the tutorial easy to understand and fun for all levels.


TikTok & Instagram

Motivation video. Share a short, inspiring dance + quote that motivates your followers. Hook: “No matter what life throws at you – remember to dance through it!” Use energy and speed in your dance, and choose a quote that resonates with your audience.

Instagram: User-Generated Content Share content created by your followers who have tried a dance or challenge you created. Hook: “See how these amazing followers have spread joy – join in too!” Engage your followers by encouraging them to use your hashtag and tag you.



A day in my life Vlog Share a vlog about a typical day in your life as a dancer and influencer. Hook: “What does a typical day look like for me as a dancer and influencer? Join my journey!” Be personal and show both work and free time.



Create a humorous dance video that adds an unexpected twist. Hook: “Are you ready to see my ‘wrong’ dance? Not everything is always perfect!” Humor and dance make for shareable content and appeal to a wider audience.



Personal Reflection Share an honest reflection on how you have developed as both a dancer and a person. Hook: “From dreams to reality – here is my journey as a dancer!” Use a beautiful background and show off your authentic, honest side.



Collaborate with an Influencer. Create a video with another influencer about dance, lifestyle, or inspiration. Hook: “What happens when we combine dance and inspiration? Join our collaboration!” Share creative content that combines your different strengths to attract a new audience.

Additional Tips for Increasing Awareness:

1. Service Optimization:

• Use Trending Hashtags: Across all platforms, make sure to use popular and relevant hashtags that can help your content get discovered by new people.

• Post at the right time: Generally, the best times to post on social media are when people are most active, such as early morning, afternoon, or evening.

• Hashtags: Use popular and relevant hashtags, such as #PositiveVibes, #DanceChallenge, #TikTokDance, #MotivationMonday, #TikTokTrend.

• Live Videos: Live-stream on TikTok and Instagram to get direct engagement.

2. Engagement and Interaction:

• Reply to Comments: Engage your followers by responding to their comments, asking questions, and showing that you appreciate their support.

• Collaboration: Collaboration increases engagement significantly as it is often posted across multiple platforms.

For more ideas, you can check out this video:


Live 100% of dance?


Want to quit your job and only work as a dancer or artist? This 3 month program will help you gain more followers, jobs and kickstart your career!

Become a Godess?

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Want to grow your self confidence and live a more soft and sexy life? This online program helps you to get in touch with your feminine side and gain your superpowers as a woman! Become a femme fatale! 

Online dance classes!


Vil du bli flinkere til å danse men av en eller annen grunn er det noe som stopper deg? Vel, nå kan du lære å danse hjemme i stua di! Irlins online dansestudio har flere hundre klasser og introduksjonskurs. Uansett alder og nivå kan du lære å danse! Dansekurs og teknikk-introduksjoner i Hip Hop, Twerk, Sensual, Heels, Waacking, House, Burlesque, Magedans og mye mer!


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